Open access to the Faculty is an essential aspect of academic life but is certainly not without risks.
For this reason, the Faculty of Medicine establishes and publicly publishes rules of conduct during one’s stay at the Faculty, providing appropriate information and warnings. Familiarity with and adherence to these rules are prerequisites for a safe environment.
Rules of Conduct – rules of conduct – ues.pdf
The risks faced by students, employees, and third parties present at the Faculty, which may endanger their safety and the security of their property, include:
- Theft of belongings,
- Risk of slipping on a wet floor,
- Electric shock,
- Lightning strike,
- Poisoning by hazardous substances,
- Fire
When assessing risks and recommending measures to prevent them, it is essential to consider that the Faculty of Medicine is located within the premises of the University Hospital Foča. Additionally, the Faculty’s teaching staff and associates are medical doctors by profession and are trained to provide first aid in all situations.
It is also important to note that students enrolled in the Medicine and Nursing study programmes are trained in providing first aid as part of their regular curriculum.
All students, employees, and third parties present at the Faculty of Medicine in Foča can seek first aid assistance from any Faculty staff member or the member of the University Hospital Foča. The staff member will either provide first aid themselves (if trained) or ensure that you are promptly connected with a person qualified to provide first aid in that specific situation.
The Faculty of Medicine holds all relevant permits from the competent state authorities for the use of the building, as well as the required security and safety measures (certificates for lightning protection systems, electrical networks, functionality of the hydrant network, employee training, fire exits, etc.).
The safety of the buildings at the Faculty of Medicine in Foča is managed by employees who are assigned to the appropriate positions.
The immediate vicinity of the Faculty building, as well as the hallways, corridors, specialized classrooms, and laboratories, are covered by a video surveillance system and a fire alarm system. Relevant notifications regarding these systems are publicly available.
The Faculty of Medicine also ensures alternative power supply from its own sources.
The alternative power supply is activated within 15 seconds.
Below are important phone numbers that may be helpful in case your safety is at risk in any way.
Emergency Service………………………………………………………… 124
Fire Department……………………………………………………..….…. 123
Health Centre Foča………………………………………………………. +38758 214-811
University Hospital Foča (Emergency Block)………..……..… +38758 222-500
6.1 In case of a fall on the floor
- Check for safety. Ensure that the area around the person is safe and accessible.
- Approach the person. Slowly and calmly approach the individual to avoid causing further injury. Try to reassure the person and explain that you are there to help.
- Assess the condition. Ask the person how they are feeling and what happened. Check for any visible injuries, such as bleeding, wounds, or fractures.
- Provide first aid if you are trained or inform any of the Faculty staff about the incident and request assistance through other means.
- Call emergency services if you assess that it is necessary.
- Assist the person in getting up. If the person is conscious and there are no serious injuries, help them stand up.
- Position the person’s feet correctly and assist them in leaning on you as they slowly stand up.
- Monitor the person’s condition. After they have stood up, check how they are feeling and if they require additional care or rest.
6.2 Theft of belongings
The Faculty of Medicine is not responsible for any theft of personal property that may occur within the Faculty premises. Therefore, it is recommended that students and all others present at the Faculty do not leave their personal belongings unattended.
In the event of theft of personal property, students and other individuals present at the Faculty can contact the Faculty administration for further instructions on how to proceed (notification of the relevant authorities).
The Faculty of Medicine provides assistance to the relevant authorities in conducting investigative actions through the video surveillance system, specifically by providing footage from surveillance cameras.
6.3 Electric Shock
The Faculty of Medicine ensures the functionality and periodic inspection of electrical installations and devices that use electricity for power supply.
It is essential to follow and observe warning signs and hazard labels, as well as the operating instructions for devices that use electrical power.
Warning and hazard signs are prominently displayed in visible areas throughout the Faculty.
If you are present in a situation where a person has been injured by an electric shock, you should:
- Remove the source of electricity if possible. If it is not possible to turn off the power, use something non-conductive (e.g., a wooden broom) to separate the victim from the electrical source.
- Call emergency medical services or immediately inform a staff member at the Faculty of Medicine about the incident.
- Check vital signs. If the victim is conscious, check their awareness, breathing, and pulse. If there are no signs of breathing or pulse, begin CPR if you are trained to do so.
- Secure the injured person. If the victim is unconscious, do not touch them until the electricity has been turned off. After that, place them in a safe position, usually on their back, while waiting for medical help. If the victim has burns, do not use cold water or ice. Instead, try to protect the burns from further damage.
- Do not use water to extinguish flames on the victim as this can cause further damage.
- Ensure your own safety and the safety of others. Electricity can “jump” to other people, so do not allow others to approach the victim until the power has been turned off.
6.4 Lightning Strike
The Medical Faculty is equipped with lightning protection installations, and their condition is regularly checked.
If you are present when someone is injured by a lightning strike, you should:
- Ensure your own safety. Check if the storm is still active and if there is a risk of further lightning strikes. If possible, move to a safe location.
- Assess the condition of the injured person. Approach the injured person only if it is safe to do so. Check if they are conscious and breathing.
- Check vital signs (breathing and pulse). If the person is not breathing or has no pulse, immediately begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if you are trained to do so. If not, promptly inform any staff member at the Faculty or call emergency services.
- Monitor the condition of the injured person until emergency help arrives.
6.5 Poisoning by Hazardous Substances
The Faculty of Medicine transparently informs all individuals present about the potential dangers of hazardous substances.
Warning signs and hazard symbols related to dangerous materials are displayed in appropriate areas.
If you are present in a situation where a person has been injured by hazardous substances, it is necessary to:
- Immediately call emergency medical services or notify someone at the Faculty about the incident without delay.
- Remove the victim from the source of poisoning. If possible, move the poisoned person away from the area where the exposure occurred.
- Clean the affected area. If the poison is oil or another liquid substance, rinse the affected area with clean water.
- While waiting for emergency medical help, try to keep the injured person conscious and in a stable condition.
6.6 Fire
The Faculty of Medicine is equipped with an installed and functional fire alarm system throughout the entire building, as well as fire extinguishers for initial fire suppression and a functional hydrant network.
Fire extinguishers and the hydrant network are regularly certified by authorized personnel. Additionally, regular training is provided to employees by authorized personnel on how to act in the event of a fire.
The use of open flames and heating devices that may lead to a fire is prohibited at the Faculty.
The Faculty of Medicine has adopted a Fire Protection Plan as well as an Evacuation Plan in case of a fire. The evacuation plan, along with signs indicating emergency exits, is publicly displayed in the Faculty’s premises.
In case of a fire, it is very important to react quickly and correctly. Here are a few steps to take:
– Stay calm. Panic can only worsen the situation. Stay calm and focused on getting to safety.
– Activate the alarm if the fire alarm system has not already been triggered.
– Call emergency services and the fire department, and inform them about the fire.
– Exit to safety. Use the nearest exit in case of a fire. Always use the stairs, not the elevator.
– If the area is filled with smoke, cover your nose and mouth with a damp cloth.
– Close the door behind you. Closing the door can slow down the spread of fire and smoke.
– Exit plan. If possible, follow the designated evacuation plans.
– Familiarize yourself in advance with the exits and evacuation routes in your building.
– Help others. If possible, assist children, the elderly, or people with disabilities in safely leaving the building.
– Wait for help. Once you are safe, do not return to the building. Wait for the fire department or emergency services to arrive and provide further instructions.