Vesna Kariklić, Al-Andalus Hospital, Zagazig, Egypt

Realizing Childhood Dreams

At the end of 2023, when I had the opportunity to travel for a student exchange through SaMSIC and IFMSA, I never imagined that my childhood dreams would come true. The journey of my colleague Sonja Popović and me began in July. Although I had never heard of the “small” city of Zagazig before, its spirit immediately captivated me. The people radiated warmth, and we were so wonderfully welcomed by everyone—from our hosts and the people in restaurants to our professors.
I was initially assigned to the surgery department—neurosurgery—but that didn’t stop me from expanding my interest to other areas of medicine. I visited the Delta Heart Center, a cardiology center in Zagazig, as well as a urology hospital also in Zagazig. I attended and assisted in reconstructive nose surgeries with Dr. Mohamed Salah, a specialist in otorhinolaryngology.
Aside from the days spent in the hospital, we had the opportunity to travel across Egypt. We visited the Red Sea coast, where we met colleagues from all over Europe who were also on student exchange in Egypt this year. We traveled along the Nile and visited temples that have withstood the test of time. We learned about the ancient process of making papyrus and crafting pottery. The feeling of seeing the pyramids for the first time is indescribable, as is witnessing all the artifacts from Ancient Egypt. My journey was filled with laughter, learning, and new friendships, along with plans for a future return to this beautiful country.

Nemanja Mitrović, University of Akita, Japan