A delegation from the University of East Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina) spent last week at the School of Health of the Polytechnic of Porto (ESS | P.PORTO). This committee visited us under the scope of the International Credit Mobility measure of the ERASMUS + Program. The ICM Program has been an important facilitator in fostering and maintaining international relations between both institutions.

Our dean, Professor Cristina Prudêncio, accompanied by all members of our managing team, was pleased to welcome Dean Professor Dejan Bokonjic, Vice-Dean Professor Irena Mladenovic as well as Professors Dragan Spaic and Srdjan Zivanovic.

During this week, we fostered the right opportunities at ESS | P.PORTO to further enhance networking in several areas of exertise such as: Physiotherapy, Biomedical Lab Sciences, Medicinal Biotechnology, Biomathematics and Biostatistics, among others. The International Credit Mobility program has been a focal point in speeding up the fruitful cooperation that already existed between both institutions.

Beyond ESS | P.PORTO, the work program also included a visit to the Central Services of Polytechnic of Porto, where they were warmly welcomed by the Pro-President of the Polytechnic, Professor Carlos Ramos. During this meeting, areas of common pedagogical and scientific interest were identified, highlighting the strategic dimension of cooperation in areas such as Performing Arts, Multimedia and Design.

At the end of the week, the delegation was also very well welcomed in the Engineering Institute.

We express our gratitude to all those involved in this busy last week for all the collaboration, availability and warm welcoming.

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